with over 200,000 orders
With over 200,000 orders
BG LLBN16ED40 H/Bay LED 3hr 150W 16000lmTSI Code: 404129710Dimensions: 150W 16000lmFinish: White
BG LLBN16E40 H/Bay LED 3hr 150W 16000lmTSI Code: 403485743Dimensions: 150W 16000lmFinish: White
BG LLBN16D40 H/Bay LED DALI 150W 16000lmTSI Code: 404129671Dimensions: 150W 16000lmFinish: White
BG LHOL115S40 Indus LED Lumin 120W 4000KTSI Code: 404129914Dimensions: 120WFinish:
BG LHOL95S40 Indus LED Lumin 100W 4000KTSI Code: 404129901Dimensions: 100WFinish:
BG LESRTP59R50 LED Road Lantern 59WTSI Code: 401910595Dimensions: 59W 6200lmFinish: Black
BG LESRTB50R50 LED Road Lantern 50WTSI Code: 401910605Dimensions: 50W 4930lmFinish: Black
BG LEMREMEST Exit Blade LED 3hrM 8WTSI Code: 404131805Dimensions: 8W 80lmFinish:
BG LEMREMELG Exit Blade LED 3hrM 4WTSI Code: 404131229Dimensions: 4W 80lmFinish:
BG LEMREMEDA Exit Blade LED DALI 3hrM 6WTSI Code: 404131818Dimensions: 6W 80lmFinish:
BG LEMEXM3LST Exit Box LED 3hrM 8W WhiTSI Code: 404131122Dimensions: 8W 240VFinish: White/Opal
BG LEMEXM3LG Exit Box LED 3hrM 6W WhiTSI Code: 404130916Dimensions: 6W 240VFinish: White/Opal
BG LEMEXM3LDA Exit Box LED 3hrM 6W WhiTSI Code: 404131148Dimensions: 6W 240VFinish: White/Opal
BG LEMDEMEST Exit Blade LED 3hrM 4WTSI Code: 404131177Dimensions: 4W 80lmFinish:
BG LEMDEMELG Exit Blade LED 3hrM 4WTSI Code: 404131164Dimensions: 4W 80lmFinish:
BG LEMDEMEDA Exit Blade LED 3hrM 4WTSI Code: 404131193Dimensions: 4W 80lmFinish:
BG LEMBHM3ST Bulkhead LED 3hrM 8W 100lmTSI Code: 404131834Dimensions: 8W 100LumenFinish: Polycarbonate
BG LEMBHM3LG Bulkhead LED 3hrM 4W 100lmTSI Code: 404131821Dimensions: 4W 100LumenFinish: Polycarbonate
BG LEMBHM3DA Bulkhead LED 3hrM 6W 100lmTSI Code: 404131847Dimensions: 6W 100LumenFinish: Polycarbonate
BG LEM8DLM3WS Rem Downlight LED 3hrM 8WTSI Code: 404131892Dimensions: 8W 160LumenFinish: White
BG LEM8DLM3ST Downlight LED 3hrM 8WTSI Code: 404131863Dimensions: 8W 149LumenFinish: White
BG LEM8DLM3CS Rem Downlight LED 3hrM 8WTSI Code: 404131928Dimensions: 8W 160LumenFinish: White
BG LEM6DLNM3CD Rem Downlight LED 3hrM 6WTSI Code: 404131944Dimensions: 6WFinish: White
BG LEM6DLM3WD Rem Downlight LED 3hrM 6WTSI Code: 404131902Dimensions: 6W 160LumenFinish: White