with over 200,000 orders
With over 200,000 orders
Lampfix 05587 Shade Ring Large Brass (for 05863, 05883, 05586, 05981, 05423, 05152)
Lampfix 05440 Steel Disc 200mm Ø with 10mm hole
Lampfix 01012 Ecofix Triple Twisted Braided Flex 3 core 0.5mm Silver, mtr
Lampfix 05677 Ceiling Rose Black 85mm x 21mm
Lampfix 05174 Shade Ring Brassed Large (for 05987, 05170, 05424)
Lampfix 05173 Shade Ring Small Black (for 05165, 05163)
Lampfix 05123 Flanged Grommet for 10mm All Thread
Lampfix 02099 Finger Plate Clear 1G
Porcelain Ceiling Cup Black 124mm Ø complete with bracket & cord restraints
Lampfix BC Chrome Cordgrip Lampholder (Metal cordgrip)
Continental L/holder 10mm ES Brassed With Porcelain Ring (Unearthed)
threaded nipple 10mm external
Ceiling Hook-plate Zinc Plated Length 75mm
Ecofix Continental L/H 10mm SES Nickel Full Threaded
Continental Adaptor Plug (Euro 2 pin to UK 3 pin)
SES Candle Lampholder Stand 85mm - Screw Terminal
Ceiling Rose White Flat 100mm Ø
Ceiling Rose Nickel Flat 100mm Ø
Ceiling Rose Black Flat 100mm Ø
SES Candle Lampholder on Adjustable Stand 100-120mm Screw terminal
Brass Knuckle Joint (Batten) 10mm
Continental Lampholder 10mm ES Threaded Black Switched
Shade Ring Small (for ES Continental L/Hs) White
Continental Lampholder 10mm SES Threaded Skirt White